Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm Not the Only One Yawning

Our big ultrasound went well, as I talked about previously. There was one small concern that the doctor had based on the ultrasound. Apparently, the boy has a little bit of fluid built up in his kidneys.

The doctor says it's nothing to worry about, and I'm of the mind to believe him and not google it or anything. I'm so much less worried about everything with this pregnancy, and it's been nice. It's not something to ignore, though. What we need to do is keep our eyes on it. So every 4-6 weeks, we have to have another ultrasound. Not that we mind. We get to see the boy and how much he's developing!

So far, the fluid levels have stayed the same, which means there doesn't appear to be a blockage of the kidneys (that is the concern--that the fluid is due to blocked kidneys which would be a big issue). On Tuesday, I went in for another ultrasound, and the fluid levels are still the same. We're good so far!

What was amazing was seeing all the details of my little boy (as best as one can make out in the black, white and gray of an ultrasound)! We saw his diaphram move as he practiced breathing! We saw how he's lying vertical in my belly (no wonder it's painful when he's moving lately!). And we saw the cutest little yawning!

He kept yawning, and we could see his mouth open, stretch and close while his tongue made the adorable corresponding movements with the yawn. It. Was. SO. Adorable!!! And he must have yawned about 5 times within the few minutes we watched his mouth. That puts him on par with how often I've been yawning lately!!

I'll go back in for at least one more before delivery. Who knows what we'll see him do then!


BisBink said...

How cute! Did they snap any pictures for you? Glad to hear the fluid has stayed at the same level.

Burgh Baby said...

Glad to hear everything is progressing well.

Just seeing the word "yawn" makes me yawn. Typing it makes me do it twice. DARNIT!

Karen said...

That sounds like something that Micah had. It turned out to be nothing (or resolved itself), but we greatly enjoyed getting prenatal pictures of him on a regular basis. Isn't it fun to see them grow?

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