Friday, August 22, 2008

Toddlerese, Now In Sentences!

On Sunday after our lovely trip to the Museum of Natural History to see the dinosaurs, our good friends came over so the guys could do a fantasy football draft and us ladies hang out with the Pumpkin. We took a long walk to search for the playground area with the baby swings, which we found much to the Pumpkin's delight. After the draft, we all went out for dinner and had a great time.

We will ignore the part where I'm extra tired and crabby because of the weaning and the fact that I'm giving up coffee. Good times.

While we were at dinner waiting for our food, we gave the Pumpkin some raisins to tide her over. We try to limit the amount of raisins she eats because of the affect on her poop, but this child would eat them all day long if she could. Londo was trying to give her some at a time, but she kept wanting more and really wanted the box. So he gave her the box. Just not worth the fight.

Until I realized that she was eating the whole box and that she'd had a bunch earlier in the day that Londo didn't know about. So I took the box of raisins away, quickly substituting with crackers.

And my child said, clear as day to those who understand her dialect of toddlerese, "I wan raisi. I don wan crackher." (I want raisins. I don't want crackers.)

I looked up at my husband, "Did she just say that?" He agreed she did, and we both turned to her, surprised at her two complete sentences and her ability to voice her wants so precisely.

Of course, we had to translate to our friends. Although they see her about once a month, it's hard to understand toddlerese and each child's dialect when you aren't around the toddler every day.

Londo and I are now realize that she is speaking more and more in sentences and using concepts that seem ahead of her 17 months of age. Have I mentioned that my child is a supergenius?


Anonymous said...

Not that I'm an expert on child milestones, but that seems pretty advanced for 17 months. Supergenius, indeed.

I'm Not Skippy said...

Wow, that's cool.

I left an award for you on my blog.

Burgh Baby said...

Yay for saying what she wants!

electriclady said...

Total genius. Be warned, though, the downside of her being able to express exactly what she wants is that...well, now you know exactly what she wants. And have to say no.

Unknown said...

Clearly she and Graham will be ruling the free world by the time they start kindergarten.

Cloud said...

Wow! Sentences. Our pediatrician told us that babies just have to put two words together by two to be considered normal. You definitely have a supergenius on your hands!

Becoming Mommy said...

She really is a genius!!! If Sasha doesn't want somethign, we just get "the hand".
I hate "the hand".
We haven't tried raisins. Probably like Sasha and his peas and raspberries.

-goofydaddy said...

it's great when they start coming up with their own thoughts or put together what you say and make their own deductions.

Shellie said...

Yippee, this is where things really start to get fun!

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