Wednesday, August 26, 2020

While I've Been... Nowhere

I don't know about everyone else out there in the world, but I suspect most people are feeling completely stir-crazy... the way I'm feeling. I was doing fine for many months. But now we are about to start the sixth month of being shut in and limiting, well, everything. 

You see, last winter I learned I have hypertension, which puts me in a higher-risk category for COVID-19. And this spring I learned that when it comes to pandemics, I'm on the extremely wary side of the caution spectrum. Also, I've worked too long supporting the health market/industry/government and with too many epidemiologists to not be flat out terrified of this novel virus.  

So our household is locked down as much as possible. None of us meet people for social-distanced walks or lunches in a park. We don't chance any gatherings, do any shopping, or eat anywhere but home. Londo has done almost all of the required trips out, and we follow a strict process for anything that comes into the house.  

In general, we've managed pretty well. However, I realized recently that I've reached my limit in being fine staying in. I now truly have gotten stir crazy and frustrated. I feel isolated. I long to spend physical time with family and friends. I deeply miss activities in places I will not go these days. 

It occurred to me the last time I felt trapped at home, isolated, and lonely for other humans was when I had babies... and that is why I started this blog in the first place! So it seems like a good time to try to start writing again. 

I will start with what I have done during these pandemic months, and what I've learned from doing them. In the past five months, I have: 
  • Stayed home with my husband, two kids, and two dogs.
    I have learned... it's a good thing I like the people I live with! We all truly like each other and enjoy the time we spend together. Except the dogs--they don't really like each other or get along.
  • Learned to cook curries!
    I have learned... there are easy recipes that make cooking Indian food not as hard as I thought it would be. And apparently I LOVE chickpea and sweet potato curry!
  • Been working out regularly, including doing the Insanity workout again, and 'm currently in the second to last week (I've done the workout in previous years two other times). 
    I have learned... even at 44, I can be in really good shape, and I still love crazy hard workouts. 
  • Spent a week with the kids at my parents' beach house (near the beach, not right at it, and we did not actually go to the beach).
    I have learned... a change of indoor scenery is really nice, even if you don't go out anywhere. I need to do that again soon.
  • Supported the kids through virtual camps (they each had three virtual camps).
    I have learned... although they didn't enjoy all of the camps, they did have fun and learned things. And it was good for them to be able to do things other than watch TV. This has been the summer of TV for them. 
  • Created a camp I called Candy Camp for my kids and my best friend's youngest to do remotely. 
    I have learned... I can create pretty professional distance/remote camp, and it is really fun to make up your own candy and help your kids realize their delicious designs. 
  • Had many virtual lunches, happy hours, teas, and chats.
    I have learned... I'm perfectly fine doing these things virtually in place of being in person. While not the same, it works for me as a substitute.
  • Gone to the doctors' office, lab for blood work, pharmacy, grocery store (once), comic book store (once), and Goodwill's donation drive-thru (once).
    I have learned... I can shop for most things online and do most appointments virtually. 
  • Gotten new kitchen appliances!
    I have learned... they make stove ranges with double ovens!!! And that people can really be great and supportive over the phone while you make big purchases. 
  • Interviewed, accepted, and started a new job.
    I have learned... It is possible to leave a company and start with a new one all virtually. 
  • Worked from home full time.
    I have learned... I'm really glad I redid my office/guest room last winter! Working from home is so much better if you have everything set up in a way that is conducive to the way you work and in an environment that makes you happy. 
Huh. I really have done a lot. There is a lot more I can do, also. Including writing again. 

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