Friday, November 23, 2007

Cara Figlia - Pumpkin's First Thanksgiving

Cara Figlia (Dear Daughter),

I'm so sorry about the long car trip down to your grandma and grandpa's house. I know that even in the convertible carseat, you get antsy and hate being confined, especially for long periods of time. I know this about you at 8 months, as you have made it abundantly clear to everyone in the car. Thank you for the very pleasant 2.5 hour nap you took in the morning (incredible!!!) and the 45 minute one you took in the afternoon. But there was an hour of pure misery for you, me, your dad and your dog. If I could have taken you out of the car and walked the rest of the way, I would have. But it was too far and the stops we made only prolonged the trip. Your daddy and I are trying to come up with another plan for the trip back.

But I'm so glad we made the trip for your first Thanksgiving. You've been a delight to your grandparents, aunts, uncles and the rest of the family. You seem to be having a great time and interested in everyone. You loved the green beans and enjoyed the potato and turkey you tried. And you were good natured, even though your naps were only 15 minutes. Until the late afternoon, when we both took a nice, long nap together (1 hour for Mama, 1.5 hours for Pumpkin)! I just wish you were sleeping longer at night down here. We had a good thing going for a while, and I hope this trip isn't going to mess it all up.

Today is Black Friday. And we are going shopping. Normally, you love to be out at the shops looking at all the people and things, but it is going to be crowded even in the small mall where we will be. I hope this goes well...

Ti amo con tutti cuore,

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