Friday, January 11, 2008

Cara Figlia - Beautiful Girl

Cara figlia (dear daughter),

I wanted to take this time to tell you how beautiful you are. You look so much like your father, with his skin and eye coloring. You actually have my dark brown hair and my almond-shaped eyes, but other than that, you are definitely your father's daughter. It's a good thing he's so cute. ;-)

Your sweet pale skin has pink touches to it--not peaches-and-cream complexion but roses-and-cream. You don't have my italian olive skin, and I know I'll have to learn the importance of sunscreen for you, but your skin just glows, especially when you get a good night's sleep (like last night, YEAH!). And your whole body is just as soft as butter. I just want to eat you up! (But apparently, you are not food.)

It's not the color of your eyes that is so striking, although the blue with gold flecks is lovely. It's that they are so bright. Once, a stranger complemented how beautiful you are and how piercing your eyes are. I always call you bright-eyes, because there is just some quality to your eyes that I can't describe in any other way than bright and piercing. Maybe I need a thesaurus...

Your smile just lights up my life, especially when you do your open mouth smile with the your eyes crinkled. Like you are just the happiest thing in the world and are smiling as wide as you can! Just thinking and writing about your smiles makes me smile and melts my heart.

You are a truly beautiful baby, but not just because of your physical features. Your skin is soft and pale and sweet, but it's even more beautiful because of how you snuggle it against me. Your eyes are not just bright and lovely, but they are even more striking because of how intently you look at the things around, and how they light up when they see me. Your smile is not just pretty because of your rosy little lips and cute little teeth, but it is the best smile in the world because it means you are happy and you love me.

Grazie, mia bella, per tutti (Thank you, my beauty, for everything),


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, that was so sweet. You will have to post a picture of her so that we can see her. Peace

Jezer said...

So, so pretty.

Anonymous said...

That is very sweet. It is amazing sometimes when you look at them and just get overwhelmed with how beautiful they are. I do that sometimes and cannot comprehend that I had a hand in making that little person.

Ah, you see how motherhood has turned me into a cheeseball?! :P

Anonymous said...

That was lovely!

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