Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Was It Funny Because I'm So Tired?

I don't want to talk about my night--my horrible, no good, very bad night--except to say one thing. When I went in to the Pumpkin's nursery, as usual she was standing up, leaning against her crib rail. She was too tired to stand on her own but unwilling or unable to lie down on her own. So I thought I would try to get her to lie down and maybe she'd just go back to sleep. My only excuse for this level of wishful thinking was the sheer exhaustion I was feeling.

I helped her lie down, and tried to rub her back. But that is when she told me about the bloody murder. Did I say told? I meant screamed. That was when she SCREAMED. BLOODY. FREAKING. MURDER. My child's self-soothing abilities are completely absent. But I think I'm going to try this every night. Every night I will attempt to get her to lie down on her own. Just to get her used to the idea. Is this how you move into sleep training? I know we've been doing some form of it the whole time, but it always felt more baby-led. But I've got to do something this time. I'm seriously nearing the end of my sanity.

But enough about that. I wanted to write about a funny little exchange from yesterday afternoon while Londo was sitting on the floor playing with the Pumpkin.

Londo: You know, she won't understand innuendo for years.
caramama: That's true.
Londo: So we could say all sorts of thing in front of her and she won't have any idea what we are saying.
caramama: Umm, yeah.
Londo, holding up two big bouncy balls: Check out Daddy's big balls!

At this point, I did laugh cause it was silly. Oh, that Londo. He's a funny guy. Even when being completely inappropriate. ;-)


Becoming Mommy said...


Anonymous said...

So sorry about the rough night, i wish I had advice for you but I don't. We just put Boog in his crib and let him cry and checked on him every 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes. I know that's not gonna work for the pumpkin cause she doesn't settled down with crying.

I want to say we had quite a rough time for a month or so after that 1st birthday and then it seemed to level out. We did have to reinstate some sleep training and I made the decision to cut out any type of night feeding, no exceptions. Oh and I put a sippy of water in his bed for him. I feel your pain. :(

that Londo is funny, tell him to update his blog. :P

Anonymous said...

ha ha-- that was good!

i think there's as much joy in a misunderstood innuendo as an understood one.

if my babe's half as much work as yours, i don't know what i'll do? oh crap, she just kicked me when i typed that.

i'm gonna have to start typing in innuendos.

I'm Not Skippy said...

That's the way to do it. It sucks, but that's the right way. Dare I mention the words "cry it out?" I know that brings up different thoughts for different people. I'll just say them and leave it at that.

I, on the other hand, actually got a full night's sleep last night. One wake-up call at 5:30 to insert a pacifier and nothing else.

So on the subject of not understanding adult speak. I plan on cussing like a sailor until he hits 1 and then switch to innuendo.

Cloud said...

Oh, I hope the Pumpkin sleeps better soon! Our Pumpkin regressed on the nightweaning, so we've had to reinstitute that. Fun times.

And for what its worth, I don't think the Pumpkin lacks self-soothing techniques. I think that there are millenia of evolution that tell a baby to scream bloody murder if she wakes up and there is no parent around. She doesn't want to self-soothe- she might get eaten by a saber-tooth tiger or something without an adult to protect her! So cut yourself some slack and just work through this sleep issue like you have the others. It will get better.

sheSaidC2 said...

I agree with the previous poster. Evolutionarily she needed to scream if no one was around to keep her safe...
and self-soothing... I am an adult and I still struggle with it, it is probably a life long lesson so go slowly. (of course I am talking about self-soothing for my own emotional needs when I am not getting enough sleep... coffee.... chocolate... wine :)

innuendos :) we recently discussed how we are going to need to be careful around our lo with that!

Shellie said...

You will be surprised however, how fast she picks up on them, so be careful!

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